Sunrise in West Palm Beach

Miami Beach from Bayside Miami

Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls

New Jersey

Aptitude makes a difference.

There are hundreds or articles that talk about aptitude and I think aptitude is one of the most important issues related to happiness. To illustrate this point let's fill a bottle with water to the middle point, now let me ask you, do you see the bottle half empty? do you see the bottle half full? According to psychologist if you see the bottle half empty, you are a negative person and if you see the bottle half full you are a positive person; but what does this has to do with happiness?

3-The key to happiness - live in the present Click here to continue to the next page

How to be Happy. Click here to go to the beginning

If you would like to share your ideas and talk to someone about what makes you happy, please call 305-778 8324 or if outside the U.S., please send an e-mail with your name and phone number to Esteban Montoya at:

Woke up early to watch the sunrise in West Palm Beach; it was cold, but is was beautiful

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